Shaft Crank

Shaft Crank

At this meeting I will discuss about SHAFT CRANK

just let us refer artrikel below about Poros Crank:

Crankshaft is a component of the machine that works to change the alternating straight motion pelantara piston with piston rod into rotary motion. on the part of the piston rod mounted crank (Crank Pin) while mounted on the cylinder block is called (Crank Journal). to maintain the balance of the current round of machine work, the crankshaft is equipped with ballast weights (balance) the other part there is a hole oil channel to distribute lubricating oil in the bearing crank journal and pen pads.

the forces acting on the crankshaft is high because the peak pressure of the burning shaft and the inertial force of rotating parts. The main requirements of the crankshaft is power, endurance, and good mechanical strength and the direction of the longitudinal direction prop shaft journal, the more bearings that hold to crank amount the same, the more rigid shaft crank. ignition sequence, in order to ensure uniform rotation in the machine, the power must be within the same impulse. This consideration along with the requirements of balance determines the swing setting the crankshaft and the ignition sequence. dimensional size of the crankshaft is chosen and confirmed to meet standard requirements, which are determined by the law of Lloyd with the equation:

d = shaft diameter (mm)
D = Diameter Cylinder (mm)
L = distance between the center bearing (mm)
S = Step Piston (mm)
A = Constant four-cylinder motors = 0.099
B = Constant four-cylinder motors = 0.036

Poros Image crank shape:

So discussion of the crank shaft

Thank may be useful

thank you friend

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